Christopher Poole's Portfolio



Stranger Space Games

    My Roles:
  • Game Design
  • Programming
  • Engine: Unity
  • Language: C#
  • Stranger Space's game
    currently in development
    Core Mechanics:
  • Play cards onto the board to try and fulfill the conditions of your Talismans in the upper left
  • After you place 5 cards, the Talismans will activate dealing damage
  • You can Redraw at any time, but this allows the enemy to attack you. Cards left in your hand block damage
  • The strategy is striking a balance between playing cards to attack and keeping cards to defend
  • There are also deck building elements that let you change the cards in your deck
Gamification Asset Package
    My Roles:
  • Programmer
  • Project Manager
  • Engine: Unity
  • Language: C#
  • Uses Canvas API
  • University employee hand-picked me and my team based on our work
  • We then pitched to the university to make it an internship
    Core Systems:
  • Provides shortcut functions for complicated API calls
  • Includes a "Teacher Mode" which allows teachers to edit the values in the game
  • "Teacher Mode" also allows teachers to create assignments for the game
  • Developers could use this to create educational games or even simulations
Dolus and the Labyrinth
    My Roles:
  • Game Design
  • Programming
  • Majority of Level Design
  • Environment Art
  • Sound Mixing
  • Engine: Unity
  • Language: C#
  • Created over a year with
    other projects in between
    Core Mechanics:
  • Dolus can "Phase" through 1 wide walls. This is integrated with all other mechanics in the game
  • After a certain amount of time, Magnus will arrive and begin tracking the player slowly
  • Each level requires you to activate keys, but there are often more keys in the level than required
  • Coins are hidden away behind harder challenges and puzzles
  • Completion times are presented to the player to encourage them to try and find the fasted exit path
Defenders of Arcstone
    My Roles:
  • System Programming
  • Core Mechanic Design
  • Majority of Ability Design
  • Enemy Design
  • UI Design
  • Engine: Unity
  • Language: C#
  • Created for Game Design 1 final project
  • Won "Most Interesting Mechanic"
    at Florida Poly Game Expo
    Core Mechanics:
  • Recruit adventure's with a random race and class
  • Units are placed on either the front or back line
  • Different abilities target different lines
  • 4 types of attack damage which units can be weak or strong to
  • Designed to be a casual RPG for the mobile market

Game Jam Games

Chrona Machina
    My Roles:
  • Enemy Programming
  • Core Mechanic Design
  • Enemy Design Helper
  • UI Design
  • Sound Mixing
  • Engine: Unity
  • Language: C#
  • Created for 48 Game Jam; Added some features after
  • Won "Most Interesting Mechanic" and
    "Fan Favorite" at Florida Poly Game Expo
    Core Mechanics:
  • Press Space to Freeze Time and you can only fire when time is frozen
  • When unfrozen all the shots your fired zip forward destroying everything
    in their path and providing a powerful moment for the player
  • Managing the energy used to freeze time and shot provides a strategic aspect
  • 10 enemies with unique patterns force you to play in different ways
    My Roles:
  • Game Design
  • UX Design
  • Writing
  • Engine: Unity
  • Created for 48 hour Florida Poly Game Jam in 2018
  • The theme was "Dragons Awaken" which was specificed to mean
    that dragons have arrived and introduced magic to this world
  • Won "Best Game Design" and "Best Narrative" at the Game Jam
    Core Mechanics:
  • Ignotum is a card game themed around mystery and discovery
  • The story revolves around a character who is discovering magic for the first time
  • As a player you're communicated this by the cards which feature 0 card text
  • You must learn what the cards do and find combos through pure experimentation
  • In between combat, you explore the fantastical narrative of the cave you descend into and build your deck

Independent Games

Gates of the Cryptocoils
    My Roles:
  • Game Design
  • Programming
  • Writing
  • Music
  • Art
  • Engine: GameMaker
  • Language: GML
  • Created over the
    summer of 2015
    Core Mechanics:
  • Roguelike gameplay means you'll lose often but each time you'll recruit different ships.
  • Each ship has a unique movement pattern with associated energy costs.
  • Ships are only equiped with a single missile so you'll need to recruit more.
  • However, you're encouraged to sacrifice ships to gain additional energy for movement.
  • Story is integrated by ship dialogue as they react to each other and you're decisions.
Treasure and Rum
    My Roles:
  • Programming
  • UI Design
  • Engine: Unity
  • Language: C#
  • Created as a Game Design 2 Project
    in only a few weeks
    Core Aspects:
  • Multiplayer RTS where you control a pirate fleet
  • Programmed using Unity's Networking interfaces
  • Basis of mechanics were required by project
    but I innovated on them by turning
    stationary bases into moving ships
Quest for the Bronze City
    My Roles:
  • Game Design
  • Programming
  • Engine: Unity
  • Language: C#
  • Created for Game Design 1 Midterm
    in only a few weeks
    Core Mechanics:
  • Throw knives with the left mouse button
  • Kick with the right mouse button
  • 4 enemies with interesting mechanics
  • A powerup which unlocks a new path and
    allows you to interact with an old enemy in a different way